Friday, September 23, 2016

Catching Up: Birthday 2016

Okay, so despite my new year’s resolution to write more in my blog and journal, I’ve only written eighteen blog entries and no handwritten journal entries. Not only that, I haven’t even finished the report on my goals annual review 2016, which I started on August 1. I must improve.

So today, I am “Catching Up” on entries, starting with my birthday this year. Jack Black and I both turned twenty-eight for the twentieth time (I stopped counting at 28 because it was my Golden Birthday). Brian, the World’s Greatest Husband (WGH) was out of town that weekend because his group of friends from Wausau (where they all graduated high school) went camping that weekend. Brian was concerned about how I would feel without him, and I told him I would be okay. After all, I’m only in my late forties – not like it’s a hallmark birthday or anything. Besides, one member of the group just died young (cancer), so I felt Brian needed to be with his friends that weekend.

I didn’t realize how much I would miss my husband. I had a list of things to do (as usual), and Friday, August 26, started off well with me dealing with the person who came to do the furnace tune-up, as well as me assembling a small storage unit that we bought for the kitchen. Unfortunately that night I couldn’t sleep without the WGH in bed with me (and the dogs). I tried reading, watching TV, etc. Nothing worked. Saturday I was so exhausted that I stayed in bed dozing on and off. Mercifully, Brian kept texting me to tell me that he missed me too, and that he loves me.

Brian even texted me shortly after midnight on Sunday, August 28, proper, to wish me a happy birthday. That was very nice. I also received a couple dozen e-mails and Facebook messages, even one from my Father-in-Law. Awesome! I felt very, very loved.

Mekhi's bio-mom made me a special angel food cake (my favorite) that she dropped off that day - it said "momma" on it in those candy letters. We didn't eat the whole thing, so I  took it to work along with the cinnamon rolls I made from my mother's recipe.

Neither I nor Brian bought me a gift, but this past weekend we went to visit my wonderful in-laws, and they gave me a belated birthday card (and an early card for Brian, whose birthday is later this month), with some money in it. This weekend, I’m going to add to my Munchkin collection.

Money has been even tighter than usual, so Brian and I waited until the next pay period to go out for my birthday: Samba Brazilian Grill, which was so worth the $100 tab, but they don’t do doggie bags (it’s a buffet). 

Pog ma thoin!

“Hug too much. Smile too much. And, when you can, love.”Neil Gaiman

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