Friday, November 25, 2016


I could post about yet another nice Thanksgiving with the World’s Greatest Husband and critters, but I’ve done that in so many prior years. This morning, I want to talk about blessings that make the world a beautiful place, specifically, I want to mention stories I’ve read in the online news this morning.

Local youth group surprises servers with $1,300 holiday tip
In a nutshell: a youth church group in Janesville annually goes out to eat together the night before Thanksgiving. They collected over $1300 to tip the waitstaff, and when they presented the money to the two ladies, they discovered that one is getting married and the other is pregnant. The money was very well received.

How a haircut led to a new lease on life for Sun Prairie man
People can become very attached to their hairstylists because of the opportunity to talk during the haircut. One such conversation led a man to tell his beautician about his kidney dialysis. Remembering that they are the same blood type, the stylist offered one of her own. Once it was determined that she was a match, the surgery happened. Now in addition to haircuts, they also get together to play Yahtzee.

1998 bus fire leads burn nurse to career as burn surgeon
When a mentally ill man boarded a bus, poured gasoline on people, and set them on fire, the UW Hospital worked around the clock to save the lives of the burn victims. Two of the victims were a young engaged couple who almost didn’t make it because of the extensive burns. One nurse worked exceptionally hard to help them, and when they survived, they asked the nurse to be a bridesmaid in their wedding. Since then, the nurse decided she wanted to because a surgeon specializing in burn victims. Although it took her sixteen years, during which she also birthed two children, she has made that dream a reality.

Grandma’s last-minute guest showed up
An Arizona grandmother knew the best way to invite her grandchildren to Thanksgiving would be to text them. However, she accidentally texted a high school student who was a complete stranger. After they cleared up the issue, the youth asked if he still was invited to Thanksgiving. The woman said, “Of course you can. That’s what grandmas do...feed everyone!” The youth enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving with the grandmother’s family before he attended a feast with his own.

Alliant Energy Center honors contracts after holiday expo cancels last minute
The Alliant Energy Center (AEC) is an exposition and convention space here in Madison that has hosted concerts, sporting events, the Dane County Junior Fair, and even Comicon. Recently the organizers of a holiday expo had to cancel the event due to bankruptcy, and they couldn’t refund the monies to the vendors who paid table fees. The AEC decided to honor the contracts and keep the expo on the books, which is planned for the weekend of December 10. If you’re in the Madison area, and you attend, I may see you there.

Pog ma thoin!

“So shines a good deed in a weary world.”Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory written by Roald Dahl

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